This is a traditional form of Welsh singing where the singer sings a different, but complementary, tune to the one played by the harp. The harp starts first, then the singer joins in.
The harp tune this year is called ‘The Nightingale’ and is given below. Entrants may use any Welsh song they like to go with the tune.
Cerdd Dant gan Aderynglas
Aderyn pur a’r adain las, bydd i mi’n was dibryder,
O brysia brysia at y ferch lle rhoes i’m serch yn gynnar.
Dos di ati, dywed wrthi, ’mod i’n wylo dŵr yr heli;
’Mod i’n irad am ei gwelad, ac o’i chariad yn ffaelu â cherdded,
O Dduw faddeuo’r hardd ei llun am boeni dyn mor galed.
Cerdd dant gan Walas Caerloyw
“Llwyn Onn”
Cerdd dant gan Mair Dancoed
Cerdd dant gan perl hudol
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- Aderynglas
- Walas Caerloyw
- Mair Dancoed
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