The programme Heno on S4C decided to do a piece on my daughter’s ballet dancing for some reason - at super-short notice too! And seeing as I claim to speak Welsh, they wanted to interview me too.
So Llinos Lee and camera men turned up at school this morning with all their stuff, which was rather exciting! They were absolutely lovely, although I felt a bit fed up that I didn’t do better in front of the camera. But they obviously thought it was ‘good enough’, as they only did about one take, except when a kid slammed a door. Then they moved straight on to the important bit, which of course wasn’t me, leaving me going ‘Aaagh what happened?!’.
My excuse is that I don’t speak Welsh on Wednesdays - my Welsh-thinking days are Thurs and Fri when I don’t work, so by Wednesdays it’s always a bit rusty! (That’s something that I hope will change with bootcamp.)
It should be going out sometime next week. I may or may not post a link, depending on just how embarrassing it turns out to be!
It was parents’ evening at school tonight and we saw her class teacher, who had apparently been asked to say something to camera after I left. She said she’d never been so terrified in all her life, and had to write something on a board for a kid to hold up! That made me feel a whole lot better!
(This is a marvellous teacher, who had been holding forth beautifully to a whole hall full of children when I arrived. She only got lumbered with it because the head teacher chickened out!!)
That’s brilliant. It’s nerve-raking enough without doing it in a second language. I bet your daughter is dead proud of you. Is your daughter bilingual?
Sant Baruc, yn Y Barri. Hen ysgol Llinos Lee, fel mae’n digwydd! [quote=“franhunni, post:10, topic:7211”]
Is your daughter bilingual?
She is lucky enough to be trilingual actually - she can speak German too, so has limited understanding of adult language learning plodders!
LOL! You don’t need any excuse! I think it’s brilliant that you had the courage to do that. I’d be a blithering idiot in English if they put a camera on me!