Hello, Everyone:
Conference Information below: You can either call-in via the call-in number or video-conference.
Dial-in number (US): (605) 475-4896
Access code: 267527#
Online meeting ID: delawarejones
Join the online meeting: https://join.freeconferencecall.com/delawarejones
I live in Delaware, USA, and I think it’s time to try and start a weekly video conferencing meet up, and I believe there’s enough interest. I’m gearing this meet up for the East Coast time zone, and I want to explore different conferencing platforms to see which works best. Some platforms have a “breakout session” for a smaller group to get together but still be connected to the main group. This could be useful for larger groups so more people have more opportunities to speak, or specialized conversations for smaller groups.
The purpose of this thread is to determine interest. For me Thursday night at 7PM EST is best and the first meeting will be Thursday, October 18. I’ll post the contact info at a later time.
For each session I’ll post a topic and provide a cheatsheet of words and phrases that are relevant to the topic for learners who may not be familiar with the topic, like myself. This way, we don’t start off with the basics of who you are, where you work, how big is your family…etc. I figured this info would come out in the course of discussion. Anyone is welcome to join, but gearing this for the East Coast time zone. Eventually I’d like to help create other chats for all time zones in the America’s. Ultimately, I would like to get people talking Cymraeg, making new connections and linking distant Welsh groups across the Americas to increase our passion for the language and culture.
If you’re interested sign up by replying below and answer the following questions
1. Does 7PM Thursday night work for you? If not, what time is better? 7PM works for me, and I may not be able to change times, but if there’s enough interest for a different time, perhaps someone else can run that group.
2. Do you have a preferred conferencing platform? If so which one and why?
3. Do you have any specific topics for discussion?