Dysgwr y flwyddyn ... my wrap up

I knew you’d get EXACTLY such response and this only confirms my statment. If you don’t tell things no one could know them and nothing can be done about that… You did your job well in and out the competition! I’m actually happy for what you’ve just written.

:slight_smile: :star:

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I have heard New Zealand jokingly called greater Australia. :smile: They are occasionally referred to as being ‘across the ditch.’

I think this is an object lesson to us all, that if something is wrong, nothing will be put right if we don’t point it out!! It is good to wait until one has stopped spitting fire, as a polite letter, with note of all that was good, is likely to be better received than a diatribe of fury!! (Says she who is not named ‘ddraig’ for her tact and good sense!!!). Elizabeth, generations of learners in lands far and near will have much for which to thank you!!
p.s. To Aran: I’m still getting sent to Spain every time I log in!!! :blush:


Yes, I’m glad I entered, I’m glad I took the time to process my thoughts - thanks everyone for listening so generously - and I’m glad I gave feedback. I feel less disappointed now I know they were disappointed too, if that makes sense? We were all that the mercy of a bad connection. That is life. I can deal with that.


I’m glad you “listened” my advise :slight_smile: and I’m glad you feel happier now.

I still need to write up mine and send it in. Still not sure what to say. Need to do that soon!!!

Tell it from the heart. Just sit and start writing and you’ll see that words will pure on the screen by themselves like a flow of the river. But, yes, you have to do it soon as long as it’s still kind of fresh in your mind.

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After reading the description about the people who had been selected for the Learner of the Year final at the Eisteddfod, I made the following comment to Catrin that the competition should be separated into three to make it fairer for all

  1. Learners who live in Wales but are now speakers in that they work in Welsh or have families who are fluent and socialise in Welsh
  2. Learners who live in Wales and go to classes, learn using web based lessons, go to coffee mornings, chat groups, reading groups etc who cannot or do not wish to work in Welsh and have limited contact with fluent Welsh speakers but are keen to support the language and to encorage people to learn it
  3. Learners who do not live in Wales and learn through various media and are keen to promote the language but there is limited ability to do this in their home country

Diolch am eich sylwadau. Rydym wedi bod yn meddwl am ddatblygu’r gystadleuaeth, ac wedi bod yn aros i’r Endid Cenedlaethol gael ei sefydlu cyn gwneud hyn. Nhw fydd yng ngofal yr holl canolfannau Cymraeg i Oedolion. Maent wedi penodi Prifysgol y Drindod Dewi Sant i fod yn gyfrifol am yr Endid, felly byddwn yn cyfarfod efo nhw yn fuan ym Mis Medi i drafod hyn.

It looks as though we will have to wait to see how the competition develops under the leadership of Endid and Prifysgol y Drindod Dewi Sant.

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Um … well, I still need Google translate for this. It isn’t accurate with translation but I’ll put it here as all those who still need to have text writen in English would understand equally.

Thanks for your comments. We’ve been thinking about developing competition, and has been waiting to be established before the National Entity done. They will be in charge of all the Welsh for Adults centers. They have appointed Trinity Saint David to be responsible for the Entity, so we will meet with them in early September to discuss.

And I wouldn’t devide people who live in Cymru into groups. They already are devided too much in particular cases regarding language. I’d just get for the groups: Those living abroad and those living in Cymru and that’s all. Or I wouldn’t devide learners at all just go for the better technology to provide equal and fairer (technological) conditions for all. I bet @elizabeth_j_corbett_ , @erisculpepper and others who competed via Skype would do as good as one living in Cymru and as good as those being there at the time of competition and do it “live” on place or (might be) they’d do even better, who knows. Deviding people in categories would automatically also mean no matter how good and fluent speaker you are you, living abroad will never get the chance to measure your knowledge with those living in Cymru and see with that how much your knowledge really “worths”, how good you really are.

So, yes, I’d rather go for technical improvements then for division of competitors. One (like me) who doesn’t have much chances to practice won’t go for the competition unless he/she is REALLY CERTAIN they can do good on such event hoping to go as high as possible.

(I didn’t compete and will not write but if there’s someone who likes the idea written above, that one can use it as his/her own without any obstacles).

I don’t think Elizabeth Jane Corbett was as good as the people that got through to the final round - not if the girl from Rome is anything to go by. :smile:

I did not put anything about dividing the competition into categories and better defined criteria. I simply focussed on the technology. The rest…well, it really depends on what the organisers want to achieve through the competition.


Okay. A final chapter in this process. I have received a permission form from Boom TV to have part of my interview on Dal ati. Gulp. I thought, despite all my bitchin’ about the sound that I’d done okay, in the circumstances. I will now have my illusions shattered on national television. :frowning:

Not sure if I’ll be able to get it here. Maybe that is a good thing. :smile:


You won’t be able to get it in Australia, but if previous years are anything to go by, it will probably be broadcast on S4C around the time of the Eisteddfod. So you’ll be able to see it when you’re in Wales. You may even get recognised on the Maes if its broadcast during the week of the Eisteddfod :wink: - that happened to a friend of mine who is originally from Japan a couple of years ago!


So like: oh look! There’s that Aussie who can’t get her treigladau right. :slight_smile: