Dysgu Cymraeg 12 month subscription - how do I access my previous SSiW status etc.?

Hello, I have had a SSiW account for some time and worked my way to halfway through Level 2 a while ago. I then let my subscription lapse. Meanwhile I have been studying with Dysgu Cymraeg and am now on Uwch 1. Dysgu Cymraeg sent a link allowing me to take advantage of SSiW for 12 months, so I registered using my existing account details. I now have access to Automagic but, as far as I can see, nothing else. How do I get back to where I left off in Level 2 please? Thank you.

Once on AutoMagic, you should be able to click the SSiW logo and select challenges, then you should be able to select the level 2 challenge you want.

I am sorry but all I get (when logged in) is ’ This is a premium content page…’ with a request to subscribe - it’s as if my Dysgu Cymraeg subscription is not being recognised.

I’m not exactly sure how the subscription via Dysgu Cymraeg works - it may be that it’s limited to level 1 only, so I think the best thing to do would be to email admin@saysomethingin.com and explain the situation there. I’ll also tag @Deborah-SSi in case she has any advice in the meantime.

Thanks - I’ll do that!

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There has been the occasional blip with the Dysgu Cymraeg access when someone already has an account with SSiW from previously. The best advice if that happens is to email admin as @siaronjames has said above. We can sort it out manually from there.

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Thanks, I have done that.

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All sorted thank you both!