Dymuniadau o'r Alban

Having a great time in Aberdeen at my school reunion. The last time I met most of my school mates was on the last day of school 51 years ago! We are all still 18 year old schoolboys internally but some of us have “grown” externally :wink:

It’s fun being the token Welshman again but there’s not much chance of talking Welsh. The barman in my hotel had a name tag of Rhys so I said “sh’mae brawd - peint o cwrw plis” but only got served a blank stare :frowning:

Nol i’r hen wlad yfory.

Wawiiiii 51 mlynedd Huw? Now you are talking about primary school right?


So glad you’re having a fabulous time in Aberdeen - there are so many ways in which a school reunion can go disastrously wrong, but yours sounds like a winner and in such a wonderful location. I haven’t visited Scotland in 7 years and would love to go back.

Have a good and safe journey home. X

Naddo, yr ysgol uchaf oedd e. Wyt ti’n rhy caredig. :slight_smile:

When you do get back to Scotland, try to take in Aberdeen - an historic but modern city. My school was founded in 1750 by a merchant who made his fortune trading with Danzig/Gdansk and other Hanseatic ports. I thought one of the charming prefects who showed us round was having a gender crisis till I realised that the old college now takes in girls! :slight_smile:

S’mae Huw,

Got back from the remote Highlands on Monday last, dropping my daughter off at Ardnamurchan for her geology independent study of the area around Kilchoan. Stunning scenery experienced, especially Glencoe for mountains, Loch Lomond for lakeside and Ardnamurchan itself for seascapes and sea lochs. Plenty of Gaelic on all the road signs too. Now my wife is worried I’ll want to learn that as well! :slight_smile:



S’mae Stu

Lucky daughter - fascinating geology - lovely scenery. I don’t think she’ll hear much Gaelic though unless she goes on to the islands - especially the Outer Hebrides.

Huw MacJones

Now my wife is worried I’ll want to learn that as well! :slight_smile:

Another small step in the direction of SSiGaidhlig…:wink: