Dwi 'di gorffen lefel 3 - I've finished level 3

Dwi’n hapus iawn efo feint dwi ‘di dysgu ers dechrau tua pedwar mis yn ôl, ond dwi isio mwy! Be’ sy’n nesa? Dwi’n dal teimlo fel bod angen i mi ddysgu llawer o mwy. O’n i’n meddwl am trio gwneud lefel fy hun efo pethau dwi angen dweud bob dydd, ond bydda i angen help i wneud hynna.

Es i allan i’r capel Cymraeg bore ddoe, i ymarfer gwrando. Nes i dallt typin, ond nes i ddim dallt llawer yn fwy. Wythnos nesa, bydda i’n dechrau cwrs yn y Prifysgol Bangor, ond dwi’n rîlî mwynhau sut SSiW’n gweithio.

I’m very happy with how much I’ve learned since starting about 4 months ago, but I want more! What’s next? I still feel like I need to learn a lot more. I was thinking of trying to make my own level with things I need to say every day, but I’d need help to make that.

I went to Welsh-language chapel yesterday morning. I understood a bit but I didn’t understand a lot more. Next week I’m starting a course in Welsh at Bangor University, but I really enjoy how Say Something in Welsh works.

Anyway I do feel quite accomplished.

Feel free to correct any mistakes in my Welsh


Da Iawn. Ti wedi gwneud llawer o waith a wedi dod bell. Pa fath o gwrs yw ti’n decrhau wythnos nesa?

Well done. You’ve done lots of work and have come really far. What sort of course are you starting next week?

As for understanding more, just keep on doing what you’ve been doing. Speak more, with more people, in all sorts of situations. That’s the only way you’ll get even better. You’ll have realised by now that SSIW can only introduce you to a limited portion of the language and the pesky native speaker will use vocab outside that quota. Ond, llongyfarchiadau am bopeth.

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Diolch! I’m starting a BA in Cymraeg (2nd language pathway) so I’ll have plenty of opportunity to learn more, I just have come to really enjoy doing SSIW


Bendigedig! That’s brilliant Joshua! Mwynha’r cwrs! Enjoy the course!

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Diolch yn fawr iawn!

Sori bod fi heb weld hyn o’r blaen - a llongyfarchiadau gwresog ar dy Gymraeg bendigedig!

Wyt ti’n byw yn Mangor rŵan? Byddwn i’n hapus cael panad yn y Galeri neu Caffi Maes yng Nghaernarfon, i roi syniadau i ti am dy gamau nesaf. Jesd anfon ebost at admin@saysomethingin.com a bydd Deborah yn pasio fo ymlaen ataf fi (dwi ddim ar y fforwm cymaint â byddwn i’n licio dyddiau hyn).

Diolch! Ebost wedi anfon

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