Dw i’n angen ymarfer i siarad yn y Gymraeg

Simple - Steve level 1
Dw i’n angen ymarfer i siarad Cymraeg ego rhywun, ond fedra i ddim ffeindio unrhywun! Wyt ti eisiau siarad efo fi?

The only problem is that I am not normally free until 20:00hrs.


Have you joined the Welsh Speaking Practice group on Slack Steve?

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Me! Me! I’m often on Slack at that time…


Diolch Bronwen, i’ll Try and link in

Sorry I had not been in touch, got a stomach bug over the weekend. Happy to chat if you have time one evening.

Hi Steve.
Late is great with me. As I don’t tend to get back from work early.
I’m always happy to chat in Welsh although I’m not too advanced.

I’ll look out for you when you feel a bit brighter.
Also the hangouts (group chats) are an easy way in, as you spend some of the time just listening while others are talking. It’s also ok just to be in the background or even to watch on U-tube the first time to get the feel of it :slight_smile:

Bronwen, sorry but if you are on slack I keep missing you. Hope that we can chat one day.


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