Exactly a month, in fact, as I signed up on 22nd June, and I finished Level 1 (Northern) tonight.
The most important thing is that I have enjoyed it enormously – I have been more
enthused about this than any other course I’ve taken (several, in several languages). I am very good at getting bored with things, so the fact I’ve carried on this long is a real tribute to Aron and all concerned… Thank you very much!
But I know I went through the level very quickly – deliberately so, following the recommendation to plough on regardless – and I know I need to consolidate what I’ve learnt.
I did the first 3 lessons several times, then I found the recommendation on this forum to ‘chunk’ them, so did 4-10 in one go, then went back and did them again. I repeated 11-15 in one block in the same manner.
When I got to challenge 16, though, I started to feel confident that anything I missed in a particular lesson would be covered (and would seem routine) in the next challenge or two, so I ended up doing 16–25 one after each other, 2 or 3 per day.
I make loads – oodles – of daft mistakes and often don’t finish in time, but I feel I’ve absorbed a lot and I feel I usually know the right(-ish) answer, even if I can’t get it out in time.
My question is now how to consolidate what I’ve learnt into something more spontaneous, accurate and less execrable… Because I skipped through so many lessons so quickly, before I move on to Level 2, would you recommend:
- going back and do 16–25 again, or
- concentrating on just doing the ‘summary’ lesson 25 a few times, say until I can meet the old ‘80% correct within the time gap’ standard?
Many thanks again to Aron and the team, and to the helpful souls on the forum!