Don't, Didn't

I note that there are two different ways to say “I don’t” - DW I DDIM… and SA I … When do I use which one??

Is it correct to say TI DDIM for “you don’t” - to a friend? I have heard SO CHI for “you don’t” for plural or impersonal

When to use "WNEST I DDIM’ or “DO’N I DDIM” for “I did not”?

I hear “WNEST TI DDIM” for the personal form of “you did not”. Is it “WNEST CHY DDIM” for plural/impersonal?

I hear “DOEDD HI DDIM” for “she did not” but “WNAETH E DDIM” for 'he did not". Why not “DOEDD E DDIM” or “WNAETH HI DDIM”

You can use either at any time - the sa i is just a more southern way of saying it.

yes, you can say ti ddim or so ti for single/friendly and chi ddim or so chi for plural/polite

wnes i ddim is used when it is a completed action, do’n i ddim when it was an ongoing action

No, the plural/polite is wnaethoch chi ddim

It depends on the context i.e. what verb is used next (that completed/ongoing action thing again). For a completed action, you can say both wnaeth e ddim and wnaeth hi ddim. For an action that was ongoing for a time, you can say both doedd hi ddim and doedd e ddim

Siaron - thanks for your big help again. Could I ask you to five me some examples of the “completed/ongoing action thing” for "wnes i ddim"and “do’n i ddim” and for she/he did not?

Sure -
wnes i ddim ateb - I didn’t answer
do’n i ddim yn gwybod yr ateb - I didn’t know the answer = I wasn’t knowing (ongoing verb) the answer

wnaeth hi/e ddim mynd i’r parti - she/he didn’t go to the party
doedd hi/e ddim yn moyn mynd i’r parti - she/he didn’t want to go to the party = she/he wasn’t wanting (ongoing verb) to go to the party

Basically, the ‘ongoing’ verbs are more a state of being, but don’t worry too much - you’ll get used to hearing which ones get used in this way and it’ll sink in subconsciously!

Dilch Siaron. I can now follow the logic. As you say - it will sink in (albeit slowly) eventually. Onwards and upwards. As they say “it’s hard going but must go on” :smile:

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