D'on i ddim vs wnes i ddim

Hi team

Can anyone help me with the difference(s) between d’on i ddim yn and wnes i ddim yn for ‘I didn’t’?

In the challenges they seem to be used almost interchangeably.



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There are loads of threads explaining this, some with handy video explanations (too many to list, but if you put “do’n i ddim wnes i ddim” into the search tool, you’ll find them!)

But basically, do’n i ddim is when “I didn’t” refers to a continuous action (more literally, it’s “I wasn’t”, but that doesn’t always match how we’d say the sentence in English e.g. we’d say “I didn’t know” rather than “I wasn’t knowing”) and wnes i ddim is when “I didn’t” refers to a one-off completed action. They are not entirely interchangeable.

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Thanks so much, Siaron, and apologies for being one of those newbies seemingly incapable of using the search function! I know how frustrating it can be for mods/very frequent users! I’ll be sure to search before I ask :laughing:.

But many thanks, once again.


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Don’t worry - this forum is a bit of a big beast to get your head around and it’s easy to go down a rabbit hole looking up answers to the most frequently asked questions, but very often the way we all phrase an answer can differ and so what ‘sticks’ for one person may not ‘stick’ for another, so it’s always worth exploring previous answers to find the one that ‘sticks’ for you! :wink:

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