"Does dim eisiau/isie i fi...."?

This is in southern course 1, gwers 5, a little less than ~29 minutes in.

Okay, the cheat sheet says the following:

  • Mae isie i fi/ti…
  • Oes isie i fi/ti
  • Oes, mae isie i fi…
  • Nag oes does dim isie is fi…

However, after the learned the “mae isie(eisiau) i fi/ti…” pattern, I hear: “I don’t need to go” = “does dim isie i fynd”.

What is this “does dim isie i…”? Am I hearing that correctly? Is it just not included in the patterns on the cheat cheat? Am I hearing “does” when I should be hearing “oes”?

Thank you so much in advance for your help! I surely appreciate it :sunny:

“Does ddim isie i fi/ti fynd” would be correct. I believe it is covered in the lesson but I never looked that close into the course guide to be 100 % sure what is writtne in there.

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In addition to what Tatjana said, “does ddim isie i fi…” Is the negated form of “mae isie i fi…”, that’s where that comes from :smile:

Does ddim isie ~ there is no need
Mae isie ~ there is a need
Oes isie ~ is there a need?


In the guide, you saw “Nag oes,” before “does dim isie i fi…”, and of course, you would use “nag oes” if you were responding to a question to say “No, I don’t need to…”
Although “does dim isie i fi” doesn’t actually appear on its own in the course guide, it can still be used as such when you just want to say you don’t need something. Also note that not every pattern will appear in the course guides, but you will see where such patterns come from by looking at other patterns that are included (like the “Nag oes, does dim isie i fi…” entry).
Remember that the course guides are only there for guidance (if you’re looking to see how the words are written - although you’ve already spotted that “isie” is actually “eisiau”!) and everything in the recorded lessons are (at this stage) introduced and sometimes explained in the lessons themselves (once you get to course 3, some new words will randomly get thrown in without introduction, but all of which will appear in the course guides).


Aaaaaand I just realized ‘dim’ softens to ‘ddim’ after ‘i’ and other things like ‘i’, doesn’t it? Sneaky sneaky :smile:


But when you notice stuff like that without having it explained to you, it shows that your brain is really starting to get to grips with the overall structure of the language, so it’s a fantastic sign :thumbsup: :star: