I’m going to be moving sometime soon, well, as soon as the Covid-19 situation lets me, and I have quite a few Welsh books that I’m happy to send to new homes. I just need the cost of the packaging and posting to be covered, and a little extra would help with the cost of moving but not obligatory . The majority are in Welsh, but there are also some in English about Welsh, so a variety.
If you think you might like a book but you’re not sure, feel free to ask and I can send you a photo and basic information if you like.
Here is the current list, and the first person to ask gets the book
(I had to make it a pdf to be able to upload it, but if you want the Word version so you can tick the boxes, send me your email address in a PM and I’ll send it to you.)
@ken@RobMorgan you were both in nice and quick so you get your choices.
Just email me with your postal address Rob and I’ll let you know what the postage comes to. It’s only a light book, so probably letter-rate will do for that one.
Might have to hire a donkey to transport yours @ken but I’ll work out the cost and let you know as some of them are quite heavy. I’ll give you the chance to change your mind!