I don’t really do new year resolutions, as my track record with them isn’t great and my motto is something like “if at first you don’t succeed, limit further psychological damage by making a virtue of your fecklessness.”
Nevertheless, I’m tentatively thinking it might be time to get back to my Welsh learning.
Back story: I did the 6 month course back in 2018, and although I didn’t stick to all the extra tasks well enough to reach the competence most others would have at that point, I was more or less capable of keeping up at the weekly ‘Clwb Clecs’ meet up in Llanelli, and made a start on Level 3, getting a few challenges in, before a dramatic change in circumstances put total halt to my learning and practice. I became a foster carer to two, at the time, pre-school siblings and just didn’t have the time or energy for anything else. Initially it was expected they would be with us for only a few weeks, but they’ve just had their third Christmas here, but will hopefully move onto adoption sometime in the coming months.
Anyway, even though, for the time being they are still with us, I think it’s time to try and get back to my Welsh.
Any tips, especially perhaps from anyone who has successfully navigated such a break in learning, on the best way to get back to it? I have continued paying monthly subs throughout so still have access to all levels and advanced content (never used any of the latter).
Should I just try and pick up from where I left off as if the break never happened? Go back and repeat earlier levels? Do level 3 and repeat earlier stuff for revision? Mix in some Duolingo?
What about chat practice? Finding time for that will still be tricky to do consistently but not impossible. If ever the schools reopen, during the day might be best for that but I think I could squeeze an occasional evening in, but I’m not sure what to look for as someone who isn’t a ‘beginner’ but feels very much a novice still and has long since lost touch with how Slack is organised.
Any advice (and encouragement!) welcome.
Oh, and blwyddyn newydd dda i chi gyd.