Diolch yn mawr

I know the standard teaching is ‘Diolch yn Fawr’ but some first language Welsh speakers (usually older) seem to use ‘Diolch yn mawr’, often almost as one long word - ‘diolchymmawr’.

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I guess one of the most interesting (and often loveliest) things meeting people who did not learn a language at school, but just by listening and speaking it’s this: they just say what they know and don’t care about rules! :smile:
And very often they come up with very peculiar words and solutions! :star_struck: :heart_eyes:

A bit like me saying ty gwenyn for bee hive the other day! :+1::laughing::rofl:

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Well as long as it works!:grinning:
And sure better than a ty gwenwyn! :sweat_smile:
(also remembering first attempts with Advanced Content - right, @rich?) :rofl:

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…ah yes, those killer bees!! :rofl:

Rich :slight_smile:

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Also: Enfawr.
Handy little sayings.

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