Dewi "Pws" Morus - Cofion - Memories

The world has lost a massive asset. I have started this thread so we can share memories of Dewi, and in order to celebrate what he may have meant to us.
I was in the Eisteddfod in Glyn Ebwy (Ebbw Vale) when Dewi received his “Wisg Wen” and admitted to the Gorsedd. As I wandered around near the Pabell Pinc, I saw these:

and I knew at once how famous Dewi already was.
However, it was not till I watched Straeon Tafarn (Stories “from the” Pub), a TV series Dewi presented that I realised how adaptable and enthusiastically he threw himself into life. I was utterly thrilled to meet him in the “Llong” (The Ship) in Tresaith and loved his style of poetry.


Yes, this is a painful loss.

Pws was always a hugely kind supporter of SaySomethinginWelsh. I’ll never forget his ‘Lingo Warriors!’ cry of welcome whenever he’d spot us in Tresaith - or the time he came round with his banjo to do a private gig for that set of Bootcampers - or the time he met a crowd of Bootcampers in Llandysul, who were on a challenge to find Welsh words that we wouldn’t know, and gave them his fabulous (and famous!) neologism ‘Ansbaradigaethus!’ - or all his support after he moved up north.

I haven’t fully processed this yet, actually. It feels impossible that he’s not still there, just down the road, laughing riotously at something.

Cwsg yn dawel, gyfaill :heart:


Sad to hear of Dewi’s passing. He lived right near the centre where we stayed for Bootcamp. One evening he was sat with a glass of wine on his patio overlooking Tresaith Bay. He shouted for his wife to come and look at the sunset. Once I got chatting with him and told him about Ssiw and he knew us and told me he called us the ‘Lingo- warriors’. He will be missed, Heddwch i’r llwch.


We saw him with Ar Log at the rugby club in Conwy Valley. He was great.


I was at the bootcamp in Tresaith in 2016 when Dewi lived in the village. At the time I recall his car had “Car bach coch” written on the side. The car was green. Cysga’n dawel Dewi.


When Dewi moved to Nefyn, he sold that car to someone who lived near Castell Newydd Emlyn, in Adpar. I used to see it every time I drove that way to Aberteifi. It always made me smile remembering times with Dewi, and I was very pleased to see that the new owners kept the “Car bach coch” sign on it. It’s sad to think he’s gone, but he will live on in a myriad of ways and never be forgotten.


When he lived in Tresaith his home was on the other side of the steps going down to the beach from the Bootcamp centre. In his garden was a sign advertising boat trips in the bay. One side of the board, in English with one price, the other side yn Gymraeg, with another, cheaper price.


The second group of bootcampers which I was in met him in Tresaith, he was so kind to us, so welcoming, randomly invited us to a gig and yelled from the stage as we came through the door, “Mae dysgwyr wedi cyraedd!”

We bumped into him once or twice in the village after that, and spotting him on the Maes was always in my Steddfod Bingo card.

The red car story is funny - similarly I remember him turning up to something at Tŷ Tawe with an instrument - banjo perhaps, that had “taset ti’n siarad Cymraeg, taset ti’n gwybod” on it so he could translate perfectly honestly if any non speaker asked!

I would never have guessed his age, he was a sort of eternal plentyn full of mischief.



22 Awst, 2024. Yn frawychus o sydyn ond yn dawel yng nghwmni ei briod annwyl a’i ffrind gorau, Rhiannon, yn eu cartref, Penbryn Holborn, Nefyn yn 76 mlwydd oed. Ewythr arbennig (ond haerllug) i Elen Marged, Carys Mair ac Iwan Hedd, tad-bedydd Rachel, a brawd-yng-nghyfraith hoffus Robin a Hannah a Rhys ac Eirian.

Manylion Angladd:

Cynhelir gwasanaeth cyhoeddus i ddathlu bywyd Dewi yn Amlosgfa Bangor bnawn Iau, 12 Medi am 1.30 y.p. Mi fydd yr hers a’r teulu’n gadael Penbryn Holborn am oddeutu hanner dydd ac yn yn ymlwybro drwy bentref Nefyn tua Morfa Nefyn ac yna heibio’r Bryncynan ar eu taith i Fangor.

Gellir ymuno mewn gwe-ddarllediad o’r gwasanaeth trwy logio mewn i, enw defnyddiwr: buye7495, cyfrinair: 364368.

Yn anffodus dim ond 250 a gaiff wylio’r gwasanaeth. Gellir defnyddio’r manylion hyn i wylio/lawrlwytho’r gwasanaeth o’r 13eg ymlaen. Rydym am geisio darlledu’r gwasanaeth ar ein tudalen Facebook yn ogystal, ond mae hynny hefyd yn ddibynnol ar gydweithrediad technoleg. Os bydd problem, yna rydym yn ymddiheuro rhag blaen. Rhannwch y neges hon ar bob cyfri’.

Nid oes canllawiau gwisg, (ond nid oes rhaid gwisgo tei du) ond cofiwch eich macynnau coch a gwyn Edward H.

Blodau’r teulu yn unig, ond fe fydd Rhys Roberts, brawd-yng-nghyfraith Dewi yn rhedeg 100 milltir yn ystod mis Medi i godi arian i Ymchwil Cancr er cof amdano (Rhys yn Rhedeg 100 milltir mewn mis). Hefyd fe dderbynnir rhoddion i’w rhannu rhwng RNLI Porthdinllaen, Apêl Ambiwlans Awyr Cymru a chymuned pentref Nefyn. Hoffai Rhiannon ddiolch o waelod calon i’w theulu a’i ffrindiau, a’r tîm meddygol a fu’n gymaint o gefn a chymorth iddi yn ystod y cyfnod byr o waeledd pan fu Dewi gartref.


22 August, 2024. Suddenly, yet peacefully, in the presence of his devoted wife and best friend, Rhiannon, at their home, Penbryn Holborn, Nefyn aged 76 years. Treasured (but cheeky) uncle of Elen Marged, Carys Mair and Iwan Hedd, godfather to Rachel, and fond brother-in-law of Robin and Hannah, Rhys and Eirian.

Funeral Details

A public service to celebrate Dewi’s life will be held at Bangor Crematorium on 12 September at 1.30 p.m. The hearse and family will leave Penbryn Holborn at approximately 12.00 noon travelling through Nefyn towards Morfa Nefyn and passing the Bryncynan en route to Bangor.

A live stream of the service can be joined by logging into, username: buye7495, password: 364368.

Unfortunately, only 250 will be able to watch the service. These details can be used to watch/download the service from the 13th onwards. We want to try to broadcast the service on our Facebook page as well, but that is also dependent on technology cooperation. If there is a problem, then we apologize in advance. Share this message on all counts.

There is no dress code as such (but a black tie is not compulsory) but please don’t forget your red and white Edward H. neckerchiefs! Family flowers only, but Dewi’s brother-in-law, Rhys will be running 100 miles to raise money for Cancer Research in his memory (Rhys yn Rhedeg 100 milltir mewn mis). Donations will also be gratefully accepted to be shared between Porthdinllaen RNLI, the Wales Air Ambulance Appeal and the Nefyn village community. Rhiannon would like to thank all her family and friends, as well as the medical team for the immense care and support extended to her during the brief time Dewi was home during his illness.