Ddi neu hi?!

Shwmae bawb!

I have read that somewhere in the South the word ddi is used instead of hi (she/her).

Which region is this word used and is it used as synonym for hi and can be used in the following.

Mae ddi’n dweud rhywbeth.
She is saying something.

Mae ddi wedi dweud rhywbeth.
She has said something.

Mae ddi’n oer.
It is cold.

Mae ddi’n heulog.
It is sunny.

I’m guessing (please correct me) that it comes from iddi hi?


(Mae’n) rhaid iddi hi fynd i’r siop.
She has to go to the shop.

I have posted this on another site and have received some responses already.

Ond wi’n awyddus i ddysgu mwy!
But I’m keen to learn more!

I’ve been told so far that ddi may be used to talk about a subject that has already been introduced.

This was discussed some time ago on the Iaith group on Facebook. Deep-linking into Facebook is problematic, so here is a screenshot.