Cymru v Yr Eidal rygbi

I hope I’m not breaking forum rules. I have a spare ticket for the rugby at the Principalty Stadium, Cardiff this weekend if anyone is interested. My daughters fiancé was going to come but he injured his foot last weekend playing rugby. I’m not after any money but I’d prefer someone else used it. Let me know if you want it. I’ll be taking the train into Cardiff from Bristol parkway so will need to arrange to meet. Kick off is 14:15 so we’ll need to be in the ground around 1pm.
Message me if you want it.
Diolch, Gareth


No, only joking… I’m in Caernarfon with two kids, a dog, two cats and at least one of them has ballet lessons… :rofl:

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Normally I would have jumped at the chance but Friday (31st Jan) I’m heading to Headingley Stadium, Leeds to represent North Wales Crusaders Wheelchair Team who are nominated for Club of the Year, our coach is nominated for Coach of the Year and one of our players, who is also a Wales International is nominated for the Golden Boot.

Hopefully I will be in a fit state to watch Wales v Italy on Saturday!


@Gog Good luck

Mae’n ddrwg dy fy @CatrinLliarJones , does dim gymaint â hynny o docynnau gyda fy. :cry:

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We were awarded Wheelchair Club of the year and our coach received Coach of the Year. One of our players, Stuart Williams receive Wales Wheelchair Player of the Year. Very proud.

Da iawn i chi. Gwych !