----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEE END OF THE THREAD FOR INFORMATION ON THE LATEST EVENT!! -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Every now and then Cymdeithas yr Iaith organise a weekend in Tresaith for Welsh learners. There is one coming up in February. Here’s what they say about it:
Penwythnos I Ddysgwyr yn Nhresaith 10-12 Chwefror 2017
Bydd y penwythnos yn addas ar gyfer dysgwyr ar lefel Canolradd neu Uwch
Suitable for Welsh learners at Canolradd or Uwch level. (Anyone who’s completed Course 1 or Level 1 would fit in fine)
Bydd y penwythnos yn gyfle i ddysgu am Gymdeithas yr Iaith a bydd digon o gyfle i gymdeithasu a chlywed am brofiadau pobl eraill o ymgyrchu.
The weekend will be an opportunity to learn about Cymdeithas yr Iaith, and there will be plenty of opportunity to socialise and hear of other’s experiences.
Yn ystod y penwythnos bydd:
Richard Jones o fand Ail Symudiad yn siarad am ac yn chwarae rhai o ganeuon y band (Richard Jones from the band Ail Symudiad will talk and play some of the band’s songs)
Dyfed Ellis Gruffydd yn arwain taith o dref Aberteifi (Dyfed Ellis Gruffydd will lead a walk from Aberteifi)
Twmpath yn cael ei arwain gan Emyr Phillips (Dancing lead by Emyr Phillips)
Gweithdy gwnio gyda Carys Hedd (A sewing workshop with Carys Hedd)
Siân ap Gwynfor yn siarad am ei phrofiadau o ymgyrchu (Siân ap Gwynfor will talk about her experiences campaigning)
a mwy. (and more)
Bydd y penwythnos yn costio £50, sydd yn cynnwys llety yng nghanolfan Tresaith a bwyd.
The weekend will cost £50 which includes accommodation and food
To book a place, go to : cymdeithas.cymru/cwrs or contact
Does Urdd Gobaith Cymruever do the same sort of thing for younger people? It might interest some of our younger members or parents with young people learning.
Well, not sure about advertising but when the Eisteddfod Genedlaethol is in Cardiff, the place there might be of interest to younger folk wanting to go!
The what seems to be annual Cymdeithas yr Iaith weekend in February in Tresaith has been announced again for 9-11th February 2018. The accommodation is the same centre that we use for bwtcamps, so if you want a sneak preview and a weekend immersed in Welsh, here’s your chance!
Just a reminder about this weekend in Welsh organised by Cymdeithas yr Iaith. Some of the highlights will be:
A walk with the local Welsh language walking group in the Mwnt area
A talk by Kees Huysmans, who came to Ceredigion from the Netherlands, learnt Welsh, established the yummy Tregroes Waffles company, and started singing in local choirs. He recently published a book in Welsh called ‘Dechrau Canu, Dechrau Wafflo’ and is known to be a very entertaining speaker
An evening of entertainment
A leisurely walk in the Llandudoch area with Terwyn Tomos as your guide
I’ve had an email with more information from the organisers of this weekend.
If you live locally and want to attend but not stay in the accommodation, that’s possible as well. To take part in everything, the charge would be £40, or to just attend for 1 day - £20.
Cymdeithas yr Iaith are holding another of their immersion and activity weekends for learners. It will be in Tresaith and takes place between Friday 15 Feb and Sunday 17 Feb (ignore the end date on the poster!)
It costs £70 for the weekend, which includes accommodation, breakfast and activities, or £40 if you don’t need the accommodation and breakfast. It’s offered totally free to refugees and asylum seekers!
There is a little more information now about this weekend in Tresaith, and it’s beautiful weather today so let’s hope it holds!
There is PDF below with all the details and a map of how to get there, but basically:
Arrive in Tresaith on Friday night between 5 and 6pm, then down to have supper in the Ship Inn, activities throughout Saturday and into Sunday, ending with a visit to Cilgerran Castle. The weekend then officially finishes at 3pm Sunday.