Cymanfa Ganu Birmingham

We, that is the SSIW groups in Coventry and Birmingham, are holding a “small but perfectly formed” Cymanfa Ganu on Sunday June 16 in the Bosta Room (upstairs) at Cherry Red’s Cafe Bar, 88-92 John Bright St, Birmingham B1 1BN, at 3pm.

We would love to see any SSIW’ers or anyone else interested in having a good old sing, and maybe a pint or a cuppa.

Cherry Red’s is not far from New Street Station if you come out of the Hill Street exit and walk down Lower Severn Street.

See attached flyers.

Thanks everyone!
Andy (Coventry), Janine (Birmingham)


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I would love to come to the Cymanfa Ganu on Sunday in Burmingham. I love Welsh and I love singing so this is an amazing combo for me. Do I have to book a place, or just turn up?

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Hi Tania, please just turn up! :slight_smile:


Diolch Andy

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