Cyfarfodydd pwllheli / pwllheli meetups

hia pawb / hello!

ydy’r cyfarfodydd pwllheli dal yn mynd ymlaen ar ddydd sadwrn @daimorgan
are the pwllheli meetups still going ahead on saturdays @daimorgan ?


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Helo chrome_angel,
Neis clywed oddiwrthoch chi.
Ydan wir, mae sesiynau siarad Pwllheli wedi ailddechrau dydd sadwrn diwethaf. Dach chi angen mynd i mewn i Caffi Gwalia a mynd trwodd, heibio’r cownter, trwy’r drysau dwbwl i r caffi go iawn a mynd ymlaen a throi i’r de. Wedyn bydd y grwp yno yn y cornel ar y de. Yn anffodus ni fyddaf i ddim yno, ond mi fydd fy ngwraig Chris,sy’n gwybod bo chi’n meddwl dwad, a Howard a Lesley, sy’n trefnu’r peth, efo’r grwp. Grwp bach, fel arfer - hanner dwsin neu beth bynnag.


Hi Chrome_angel,
Good to hear from you.

Yes, they are, They re-started last saturday after the summer, You need to go into Caffi Gwalia, through past the counter, through the double doors and into the cafe proper, and turn right. The group will be there in the corner, on the right. I’m afraid I won’t be there myself, but my wife Chris, who knows to expect you, will, as will Lesley and Howard, the organisers. A small group usually, about half a dozen or so. Enjoy!


ah oce, diolch am yr ateb :slight_smile: methu dod tan o’r lief y 22ain o mis medi eniwe!
thanks for the reply, can’t come til at least the 22nd of september anyway!

pob hwyl, deb

Wel, dwi ar fin symud tŷ i Lanrug, jyst tu allan o Gaernarfon, ella wythnos 'ma. Dim ond 23 milltir o daith i Bwllheli! Felly, dwi’n siwr y byddaf i’n dod i’r cyfarfodydd rhywbryd yn fuan :slight_smile:

Well, I’m about to move house to Llanrug, just outside Caernarfon, possibly this weekend. Only 23 miles’ journey to Pwllheli! So, I’'m sure I’ll be coming to the meetings sometime soon :slight_smile:

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hi @Bob

pob lwc efo dy symud, fydd hi’n neis dy gyfarfod yn y difodol :slight_smile: mae llanrug ydy’r pentref mwya gymraeg yn y wlad, yn ol sioe radio tudur owen! dw i’n bwriadu mynd i bwllheli fy hyn, penwythnos ma.

good luck with the move bob, it’ll be nice to meet you in the future :slight_smile: llanrug is the most welsh village in wales, according to tudur owen’s radio show! i’m intending to go to pwllheli myself this weekend.


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