Cwis Bob Dydd!

Great, I’ve created a new group for anyone who wants to join …

Here’s the new code …



How did you manage to do the picture?! I’m trying for another group. I clicked on “gallery” (a few times) and nothing happened… Perhaps I should just wait until it’s calmed down a bit after the first day’s flurry?

Have you got the image in your gallery, i.e. the gallery on your device? If not you need to make sure it’s in there first.

Yes - but when I click on the circle where the picture should go, and then choose “gallery” nothing happens. Is that what you did? If so, it’s just a technical glitch my end and I’ll try again tomorrow.

Yes, that’s exactly what I did.

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Thanks! It’s either teething troubles with the app (they’re having a few problems dealing with the volume of people trying to register, folks, so if you don’t succeed just hang on a bit and try again), or the fact that my phone is a bit … um … old. (I always work on the “don’t replace it until it doesn’t work any more” principle, but there’s a tipping point with phones, isn’t there, where they work to phone/text/browse but not many of the apps do. Think I’m heading to that point…)


Reregistering on the new Cwis app but it says my details are already registered so I cannot progress at all with this now.

Have you uninstalled the old app, then installed the new one? Can you go into Groups and enter the new code from above?