Cwestiynau: eich v dy

Hi everyone
I’m looking to put together a few questions to have a fun interview with friends who are learning also. Hopefully to have a slightly different take on learning. I’d appreciate if someone could have a look to recommend any changes.

  1. Beth oedd eich swydd gyntaf?
  2. Pwy oedd eich hoff athro /athrawes yn yr ysgol?
  3. Beth oedd eich hoff bwnc yn yr ysgol?

Can ‘eich’ be replaced by 'dy?

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Those all look fine.

Whether eich can be replaced by dy technically depends on context. When asking people you don’t know too well OR a group of people at the same time, it should be eich. When asking people you do know well and are asking them individually, it should be dy. So with friends, unless you are asking them collectively (in which case you’d use the plural form, eich) it’s fine to use dy.


Diolch yn fawr @siaronjames, that’s pretty much what I thought. But I really appreciate your help. Yeah it’ll be friends, and individually :+1:


Maen nhw’n edrych yn iawn I fi. They look ok to me. Great idea

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