Coventry musical meetup

Dear Dysgwyr and Siaradwyr

We are thinking about starting a Welsh musical meetup in or near Coventry and we hope this will be of interest to some people in the area.

This would not be like a choir that rehearses and performs but like a folk session or singaround open to everyone and where anyone can join in.

You learn quite a lot of vocabulary from songs and as well as that singing is great fun. Also we feel that Welsh music and arts are really under-valued and that there is a lot of potential to make much more of Welsh culture than we currently do.

So basically the idea is we all get together and sing a bunch of Welsh songs! No need to be a cathedral chorister or a great Welsh speaker, you just need to be up for a song and a laugh. Any takers?



That sounds like fun, would love to come if I can.

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Great! I might move this post to the Coventry thread as it’s probably of limited interest to the wider community :slight_smile:

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Any instrumentation (penny whistles, ukulele, shakers…), needed at the garden centre on 25th August - just 4 mths till Xmas? @andyjone
Delighted at prospect of meeting Dave Davies and @alice9