Course notes for Southern Level 2 (Challenge 25 now available!)

Thank you very much faithless. Your work is appreciated.


Thank you so much for thisā€“it makes the world of difference to this ā€˜hearing impaired typeā€™ who still clutches to the security blanket of being able to look at something if I am unsure whether I heard the Welsh correctly, or completely. While I am gaining confidence more and more by ā€˜trusting the processā€™ as Aran says, for me that process sometimes demands sight and sound.

Thank you againā€“O faithful Faithless!



Blwyddyn Newydd, Her Newydd! Here are the notes for Challenge 12:

Challenge 12
Vocabulary introduced:
Teimlo fel gwneud rhywbeth. Aros amdanyn nhw. Dishgled o de. Ga i nƓl rhywbeth i chi?

Patterns introduced:
Wyt ti ā€˜di clywedā€¦?(Wyt ti wedi clywedā€¦?) Dylen niā€¦ Wyt tiā€™n meddwlā€¦? Dylen iā€¦
Ŷch chiā€™n moynā€¦? Ga iā€¦?


Challenges 13 and 14 have been available for nearly a week now and Iā€™ve finally got around to listening to them! Here are the notes:

Challenge 13
Vocabulary introduced:
Coffi. Neu goffi. Dishgled. Llaeth. Llaeth gydaā€™ch coffi. Siwgr. A siwgr. Codi. Yn gynnar. Yn gynnar yn y bore.
Patterns introduced:
Oā€™ch chiā€™n moynā€¦ Ddwedoch chiā€¦? Dwedest tiā€¦ Oā€™n iā€™n meddwlā€¦

Challenge 14
Vocabulary introduced:
Gofyn i ti. Oā€™t tiā€™n meddwl. Mas. Mynd mas. Rhywbryd. Wythnos. Wythnos nesaf. Balch. Balch ohonot ti dy hunan.
Patterns introduced:
Hoffet tiā€¦? Dylet ti deimloā€¦


Notes forā€¦

Challenge 15
Vocabulary introduced:
Y peth. Y peth gorau. Y peth gorau iā€™w ā€˜neud. Wyt tiā€™n siwr? Wyt tiā€™n siwr taw dynaā€™r peth gorau? Cymryd gormod.
Gormod o risg.
Patterns introduced:
Dynaā€¦ Well i ti beidioā€¦

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Course notes for Southern Challenge 16:-

Challenge 16
Vocabulary introduced:
Cerdded. Tiā€™n cerdded. Tref. Iā€™r dref. Iā€™r ysgol. Pan. Gofalus. Bydd yn ofalus.
Ar dy ben dy hunan. Dw i wastad yn hapus. Os hoffi di. Gyda ti.

Patterns introduced:
Paid trioā€¦ (paid Ć¢ thrioā€¦) Tiā€™n gwybod bodā€¦


ā€¦and as if by magic, Challenge 17 comes along too!
Hereā€™s the course notes:-

Challenge 17
Vocabulary introduced:
Ddydd Llun. Fydden i ddim yn gwneud hynny. (Ta)sen iā€™n ti. Rhoi. Rhoi e iddo fe.
Rhoi amser iddo fe. Arafu. Taset tiā€™n arafu.

Patterns introduced:
Trien iā€¦


Very big thank you. Very much appreciated.


And now, here are the course notes forā€¦

Challenge 18
Vocabulary introduced:
Dod Ć¢(ag). Dw iā€™n fodlon. (Ta)sen iā€™n gofyn i ti fynd mas.

Patterns introduced:
Fyddech chiā€™n fodlonā€¦? Beth am ni gaelā€¦? Beā€™ fyddet tiā€™n dweudā€¦? Beā€™ fyddet tiā€™n gwneudā€¦?


Course notes forā€¦

Challenge 19
Vocabulary introduced:
Ddydd Mawrth. Rhoi iddi hi. Sen iā€™n gofyn i tiā€™n helpu fi. Trefnu. Y trefniadau. Delio gyda.
Oā€™n iā€™n moyn iddi hi dy helpu di. Prysur. Rhy brysur. Oedd hiā€™n rhy brysur.

Patterns introduced:
Awn niā€¦?


Course notes for Challenge 20. Dim ond 5 heriau i fynd nawr! :slight_smile:

Challenge 20
Vocabulary introduced:
Cyn gynted Ć¢ phosib. Eitha da. Rwtsh. Rwtsh llwyr. Arian. Yn arian i (fy arian i).
Fy arian i nĆ“l. I fod yn onest. Dyna beā€™ ddwedest ti.

Patterns introduced:
Doā€™n i ddim yn meddwlā€¦ Medden nhwā€¦

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Thanks a big bunch faithless. You are now one of my heroes.


Sorry for the wait, but here is the notes forā€¦

Challenge 21
Vocabulary introduced:
Ddydd Mercher. Cyn. Cyn i chi fynd. Ateb. Cyn i fi ateb. Cwpla hyn.
Cyn iddi ddweud wrthot ti. Ffeindio mas.
Patterns introduced:
Allet ti ddweud wrtha iā€¦? Well ā€˜da fi beidioā€¦


:star: :star2:

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Here are the notes for Challenges 22 and 23. Only 2 more lessons to go for this level now until we catch up with the northern course! :slight_smile:

Challenge 22
Vocabulary introduced:
Ar Ć“l. Ar Ć“l i ni gwpla. Nes.
Patterns introduced:
So feā€™n moynā€¦ Ddywedodd e ddimā€¦wrtha ā€™i (wnaeth oā€™m dweud wrtha fi).
Ddwedest ti ddimā€¦wrtha ā€™i. Dwedes iā€¦

Challenge 23
Vocabulary introduced:
Dydd Iau. Y cwestiwn. Ar hyn o bryd. Oedd e wedi cwpla (Oedd e ā€˜di cwpla).
Taset tiā€™n gwybod (ā€˜set tiā€™n gwybod).
Patterns introduced:
Doedd hi ddim yn moynā€¦ Byddet tiā€™n dweud wrtha ā€˜iā€¦


Here we have the penultimate challenge for Level 2 Southern. Not many new vocabulary items here, but plenty of practice on previous vocab in the challenge. Joiwch!

Challenge 24
Vocabulary introduced:
Yn fyddet? Sen iā€™n gallu.
Patterns introduced:
Bydden iā€™n dweud wrthot tiā€¦


Gwych - diolch yn fawr, Gavin!

Iā€™ve used your sterling work to update the files, and the vocab guides are now included in the lessons.

It is a huge help that people like you fill in for the things that we (well, ok, mostly me!) miss out. I remember the original pdfs for the lessons from the old course on the old old site being almost entirely voluteer produced, and hugely valuable.

You have added huge value (and saved me valuable time) here as well.

Did I say diolch?! :smile: :sunny:


Tiā€™n mwy 'na chroeso Iestyn. Dw iā€™n dim ond hapus i helpu.

Once I have Challenge 25 available to me I will have a .pdf available for inclusion on the website (once approved by yourself and Aran, of course!) :slight_smile:

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Can I ask a quick question about yn fyddet - would it be possible to use na fyddet to say the same sort of thing?

Do you mean ā€˜na fyddet?ā€™ as a question? Yup, sureā€¦ :slight_smile: