Course guide for new lessons?

I know the old course had a guide, but haven’t found one for the new one unless I’ve been looking in the wrong place. Particularly interested in stuff for lesson two like translation of ‘I’d better’

S’mae Stuart?

If you are doing Northern, PM me your e-mail address and I will mail you the Level 1 Northern guide as a PDF.




… and if you’re doing the southern course, I intend to produce a course guide for this in due course! In the meantime, Stu’s Northern course guide will be of help, but note the dialect changes for some words eg “fedra i ddim…” in the north will be “alla i ddim…” in the south, “licwn i” in the north will be “hoffwn i” in the south, and so on…


Might wait for the southern one as northern stuff just gets confusing. What is ‘I’d better’ by the way?

Heia Stuart,

Well i mi… - I’d better…




Or, in Southern, well i fi.

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That would be great :-). Any idea when ‘in due course’ might be? :slight_smile:
Warm wishes,

Well, I have an incomplete copy drawn up already, with only 12 challenges on it. I am hoping to include the other 4 available challenges tomorrow, then perhaps run through the northern course and get other vocabulary and patterns from those. The only thing I’m taking caution with on that idea is if certain phrases turn out wrong when translated into Southern dialect, so until I hear the new lessons from Iestyn and Cat, I will probably choose to wait for those.
Until then, once I’ve written up the available 16 challenges, I will be more than happy to send you a copy of the PDF.

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Shwmae Elkie!

I don’t know if you’ve checked your private messages recently, but I sent you a link to the course guide you wanted just before Christmas. If you have any problems accessing the guide, please let me know.


Pretty please could you send me a copy of the level 1 S guide as well? I find them so helpful in matching up SSIW with class stuff.

I have sent you a PM @jenny_white_378

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