Correct way to say stop

Hi there. I am on week 20 so am still a tentative speaker but was trying out a few phrases on a native welsh speaker (North) and didn’t understand all of what she said initially as she used the word peidiwch instead of stopio. This was in the context of what she says to her mother when she returns home and wants her to stop talking so quickly in welsh. I asked about the use of stopio but she said that they always used peidiwch when it related to the ceasing of an action. Hope my question makes sense. Diolch i chi gyd

I think this is just “one of those things”. The word “stopio” has a long history in Welsh, so I don’t think it’s a question of right or wrong - just different. Personally, I use peidiwch, but stopiwch is a perfectly good word too and there isn’t really any difference in meaning, as far as I know.

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Thank you. It’s good to hear the different ways to say things. Its a lovely diverse language which I love learning (even if does feel like my brain may explode some days)

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