Confused of Rochdale

Apologies if this question has previously been asked , but what is/are the differences between “sa i’n,so fe’n” I don’t , he doesn’t , and “nagy nhw’n ,nag w i’n” they don’t I don’t ,( apologies for any misspellings)…
I have occasionally thought I’d got it ,thinking it a tense thing , but have become a little confused of late , so some clarification would be much appreciated,

The former set Sa i’n, so ti’n, so fe’n is a colloquial southern form to say I’m not, you’re not, etc.:
Sa i’n moyn mynd.I don’t want to go.

The second set means technically that I don’t (etc.), so you can only use these in the second clause of reported speech (if the clause is negative):
Dwedon nhw nag 'yn nhw’n moyn mynd.They said that they don’t want to go.

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Great stuff , thanks very much , I get it now ,