Combined methods of learning ; classes and SSIS

Hola! I just thought I would share my recent experiences in combining going to a class and listening to the SSIS . I am at level 2 lesson 12 and have now been to three x 2 hours in small class with only 3 other learners and a native Spanish teacher.
I have found that the classes have been the most useful in giving me a vocabulary, and that I have had to go at the class pace to get this, but that I have already been , as Aran predicted, streets ahead in the actual ability to put sentences together and jump around the tenses.


Great news Eluned, I’m sure you’ll be leaps ahead the other students in real life conversations when you get the chance to use the language outside the classroom. Felicitaciones!



I think this sort of stuff is a great combination for people who are in a position to do it - and I’m delighted to hear that you’ve been doing so well with your production! :thumbsup: :star2:

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Hola! I reread my post and hope I didn’t come across as a show off; rather I was trying to say that the saysomethinginspanish has really paid off and gives you a real head start! i am going to continue with both and hope there is going to be a Level 3 spanish soon?


Don’t worry, it didn’t sound like showing-off at all - it’s always a real delight to see our learners doing well! :star2:

We’ve got some ideas to try and get kick-started next week that we hope are going to allow us to start publishing more + faster - in which case, Level 3 Spanish will definitely be very high on the list… :sunny:

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