With the Summer threatening to come over the horizon, the team at Siop y Pethe have decided to move the usual Wednesday Siop y Pethe “Clwb Clonc” from Siop y Pethe to Byrger over the next few months during the Summer.
This change of location also brings with it a change of time and a change of freebies.
Every Wednesday Morning
Directly across from the Pier,
10:30 - 11:30.
Free coffee/tea and cakes for all participants.
As always, its a good mixture of learners, fluent speakers and staff who work at Byrger.
Hello Nicky,
My wife and I have been learning Welsh at various classes and with SSIW. We’re probably at Canolradd level in terms of understanding, but much lower (Sylfaen at best) in speaking. We’d like to come to the chat club because we need as much practise as possible. Is it OK if we come this Wednesday?
Best Wishes, Roger Salt
Although I am the named SSIW’er, I have found myself unable to attend for a couple of months as my work schedule has changed slightly - but there will be a very warm welcome awaiting you!
Dal arno? Is Clwb Clonc still at Byrger on a Wednesday…mae rhaid i mi ymarfer siarad![quote=“Nicky, post:1, topic:17687, full:true”]
With the Summer threatening to come over the horizon, the team at Siop y Pethe have decided to move the usual Wednesday Siop y Pethe “Clwb Clonc” from Siop y Pethe to Byrger over the next few months during the Summer.
This change of location also brings with it a change of time and a change of freebies.
Every Wednesday Morning
Directly across from the Pier,
10:30 - 11:30.
Free coffee/tea and cakes for all participants.
As always, its a good mixture of learners, fluent speakers and staff who work at Byrger.
Yes it still runs, in the new location of Byrgyr just across from the Pier in Aberystwyth.
Unfortunately the new time clashes with a weekly phone meeting I have with my team in work, so I’ve been rarely able to make it since it moved - but I would very much recommend everyone still attending, even if I’m not there often!
I’m going to try and be there on August 14th as we are travelling around Wales and I will be in Aberystwyth on Aug 14 … I’ll just show up and see who is there… excited to be practicing speaking Welsh this August for 3 weeks! SUSAN
I haven’t been much over the last 3 months - When it was in Siop y Pethe I was usually able to take an early lunch (I work from home), but since it has moved to Byrger unfortunately I have a weekly team meeting over the phone with my guys in work, so it’s more often the case that I can only go once every 2 months or so.
What’s it like nowadays for anyone who has just visited?
I went yesterday - there were about 6 of us in the end, chatting over tea/coffee & brownies. It was good to get the chance to chat with others in Welsh while in Aberystwyth, including the guy on duty. I couldn’t have done that 6 months ago!! So glad I went
Timing a bit confusing though - I expected a 10.30 start, as still proclaimed by the signs outside and as listed in the newsletter, but arriving sightly after 10.30 and tentatively putting my head in the door I was told that it started at 11 - which it did, and ran for an hour.
=> Is this a permanent change of time or just a one-off? No, I didn’t think to ask while there , but if it is, changing the advertised timings might help the meetup thrive. An empty looking place advertising a 10.30 start could discourage people from stopping if actually an 11am start now.