Clonc-edigion Revived

I totally agree
Maureen and I (being septuagenarians) have geared up to self isolating but it shouldn’t be much hardship because we hardly talk to each other anyway. :laughing:


You can always text each other. I used to do that with my daughter when she still lived at home with me:

‘Are you coming out of your room for breakfast? It’s nearly lunchtime. Fancy scrambled eggs?’
‘OK, mum, sorry I’m not ignoring you … really’


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Excellent suggestion!
I’m just about to text “where are my socks?”
I’m particularly looking forward to M’s reply. :laughing:

If it were me “Where you left them” would be my answer :smile:

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M’s would be shorter and more direct. :laughing:



There’s a regular Welsh conversation in the same location every Friday morning, from 11:00 to 12:30 so you could really have a mini-immersion day if you take in the two opportunities on the 5th!

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