Classic challenges / Automagic

I came across classic challenges today when I accidentally pressed the SSI logo on automagic. Is this audio the same audio as automagic or is it something different? Is there any benefit of doing these challenges? I was looking for a way to rewind automagic, to go back to previous sections as I took a break from learning and then came back.

Currently loving SSIS, so far its the best course I’ve found to make me speak more. I’m about to start a spanish class weekly so I’m sure SSIS will benefit me greatly whilst conversing during class.


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Hola @mark-carrielies, the AutoMagic version does follow more or less what we have in the classic audio files, however there is also the Tourist Course in audio files, which you might find a useful addition, and as you say, you can use the standard audio as revision to get you up to where you are in AutoMagic.

We are in the process of loading a lot more material into the AutoMagic course, so shortly you’ll have a lot more Spanish there as well :slight_smile:

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Thats great, I appreciate the quick response too.

Muchas gracias deborah!