Thought I’d give you a little update on the Word Search Puzzles book, just in case anyone is thinking of getting a copy.
I like word searches, so I’ve been doing one a day. With over 100 of them in this book, I’ve got a good 3 months’ worth to keep me going. However, this book has clearly been put together by someone who doesn’t know anything about Welsh at all!
The grids include letters that aren’t in the Welsh alphabet at all like Z, X, and K, which I find quite annoying. It treats digraphs — ch, dd, ff, ng, ll, ph, rh, th — as separate letters, which I don’t mind so much because otherwise it’d make everything a touch too easy.
What is a bit disappointing, though, is that there’s no understanding of mutations or the alphabet at all. So you’ll see ddaear instead of daear, feddw instead of meddw, ddadl instead of dadl. The list of “words with two Rs” included rhagfyr and rheithgor, and “words that end in L” included bell, dull, gall, hyll, and others that end in ll.
There are a lot more such errors, but you get the gist!
I wouldn’t let this stop you getting it, if you like word searches, but if you’re a new learner then it’s something to be aware of — don’t let it lead you astray!!
I wonder, has anyone seen a Welsh word search puzzle book that’s grammatically and orthographically correct?