Christmas 2023 on S4C

Hello everyone!

I’ve put together a little page on the S4C website, with information about Christmas programming - both what new Christmas specials we’ve got this year, and a little bit about things that are coming out of the archive. Dysgu Cymraeg | S4C

There’s more information too in my December 2023 newsletter (which is going out tonight…) If you’d like to have that news in your in-box every month, let us have your contact details here: Mailchimp Survey


Sara, I’ve said it before but I love your newsletters. They make me feel included and welcomed as a fledgling Welsh speaker, and I read your email this morning and thought, “Ooh, I could watch that - and that - and that!” Thank you x


Oh, Christine - that’s made me feel all warm and fuzzy on a Thursday morning! Thank you :smiling_face:


Ah bendigedid Sara - this is perfect!

It will be promoted on our social media soon! :slight_smile:

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Diolch, Catrin!

Thanks Sara, sounds great. Just to mention that I’ve been having trouble signing up for the newsletter - have filled out the Mailchimp form a couple of times in the past month or two, but haven’t been receiving it. I’ve just had another go using a different browser but if that doesn’t work, is it possible to sign up via the website?

Sorry for the slow response, Ruth! I’ve been on my Xmas hols and only just back…

Have you had more luck with the newsletter? If not, PM me the email address you’ve been trying to sign up with, and I’ll get in touch with the newsletter team for you, to try to sort it out.

Blwyddyn Newydd Dda!