Just a quick reminder of our next event. The Chelmsford and District Welsh Society will be holding a Welsh film night (with English subtitles) on Thursday 18th February at our usual destination at St Cedd’s Hall, Chelmsford, Essex. Croeso cynnes I bawb.
The doors open at 7pm for a prompt 7.30 start for this event, and the film they will be showing is Hedd Wyn - an absolute classic and not to be missed if you can possibly get there!
I would be interested in coming from Hertfordshire. Please would you be able to let me have the post code of your meeting place and confirm if parking is easily available. Diolch yn fawr.
The address is St Cedd’s Hall, Cathedral Chapter House, Chelmsford, Essex CM1 1NY. The hall is very close to the Cathedral, and there are normally plenty of free parking spaces on the streets around the cathedral and the hall. We will be on the ground floor. You are welcome to ask for me when you arrive, so I can introduce you. Looking forward to meeting you then.
Hi, I live in Chesham. I ma half way through the 6 month intensive course. Just wondering what part of Hertfordshire you are in, and if you are close enough, would you like to meet to practise speaking Welsh? Do you know of any other Welsh speakers in the area?
Hi Mhairi
The Chelmsford Welsh Society meets in Chelmsford in Essex every month. W also have Welsh classes who meet twice a month, just outside Chelmsford. There are plenty of Welsh speakers in Essex who are members of our society. You are welcome to come and join the society. The website is www.chelmsfordwelsh.org.uk/home