I’m Josh who runs this session in Trefynwy (Monmouth). Just wanted to inform that next week will be the last session before the group breaks up for Christmas. I will post on here in the new year the date that the session will restart.
This information about the session was sent to me by @Cwyfan
Bore Coffi - Estero Lounge - Trefynwy 10-11:30yb
Coffee Morning - Estero Lounge - Monmouth 10-11:30am
Mae yna Fore Coffi yn digwydd pob dydd Llun yn Nhrefynwy yn yr ‘Estero Lounge’. Byddwn yn cwrdd am 10yb a gorffen am 11:30yb. Mi fydd yna sesiynau ar y 9/12 ar 16/12 ond wedyn mi fydd yna doriad dros y Nadolig ar sesiynau yn ail-ddechrau ar y 13/01/20 Rydym yn eistedd os yn bosib ar y bwrdd hir ar bwys y fynedfa. Croeso i bawb ddod i gymdeithasu yn Gymraeg
There is a Coffee Morning’ happening every Monday in the ‘Estero Lounge’ in Monmouth. We will meet at 10am and finish at 11:30am There will be sessions on the 9/12 and the 16/12 but there will be a break over the Christmas period and the session will restart on the 13/01/20. We usually sit by the long table by the café entrance. A warm welcome to everyone who wants to come along and socialise in Welsh