Cerddwyr Cylch Teifi - Teifi Walking Group

There’s a great Walking Group in the Teifi Valley area that used to meet once a month in various different locations, each time with a leader to talk about history, nature, or other interesting points about the area. Then there was an option to socialise afterwards with a meal in a local tavern.

That has been on hold due to Covid, the group is looking to start up again. Welsh is the language of the walks, so while it’s OK to question the occasional word, it’s fine for beginners to go along and just listen, having 1-1 conversations with some of the other participants. They’re very welcoming to new Welsh Speakers!

Greetings! We hope you have all kept well since we last contacted to cancel our walks due to the virus.

As the rules have relaxed significantly, we hope to resume Cerddwyr Cylch Teifi walks.

We are planning 3 walks, each lasting about 2 hours, starting at 10.30am.

Saturday October 9th in the St Dogmaels area, led by Terwyn Tomos
Saturday November 13th starting at the Wildlife Centre, Cilgerran, led by Howard Williams
Saturday December 4th starting in Cardigan and walking along the river, led by Siân Bowen

More details can be found by reading the group’s newsletter here

The last walk for the season before a break for the summer, so a good one to get along to!

Cerddwyr Cylch Teifi Walkers
Saturday 11 Mehefin
Foel Drygarn area
Leader: Hefin Wyn

Leaving the parking place at 10.30
A strenuous 3.25 mile walk, which will finish by 1:00. Parking by the road from Crymych to Mynachlog-ddu (‘Croes Mihangel’) at SN 165 330 (slightly closer to Mynachlog-ddu than the parking area on OS maps). For a Satnav, SA66 7SA is the nearest postcode, although it does not lead to exactly the right place.

Walk along the road then towards Mynachlog-ddu for about half an hour and turn right along Glanrhyd Fach lane and then follow a path for another half an hour (ascent: about 400 feet) until reaching Carnmeini. It will be wet in places. You should make sure that your shoes don’t leak, or wear wellingtons. A chance to pause amongst the stones before joining the Golden Way Trail and walking downhill to Croes Mihangel to the cars.

If you’re planning to go, let Philippa Gibson know - philippa.gibson [AT] gmail [DOT] com

Here are the walks planned for 2023. This is a great opportunity to use your Welsh out and about in the countryside, and if you can’t say a lot you can certainly learn by listening to others.

Cerddwyr Cylch Teifi

Rhaglen 2023

Dyma deithiau cerdded Cerddwyr Cylch Teifi.
Ionawr 14 - Bwlch-y-groes gyda Terwyn Tomos
Chwef 11 - Wdig ac Abergwaun gydag Alun Ifans
Mawrth 11 - Llwynihirion gyda Siân Bowen
Ebrill 1 - Aberaeron gyda Barbara a David Roberts
Mai 13 - Mwnt i Gwbert gyda Howard Williams
Mehefin 10 - i’w drefnu

Cewch chi’r manylion os byddwch ar restr bostio’r Cerddwyr. Gofynnwch i Philippa Gibson philippa.gibson@gmail.com.

Local Welsh language walkers’ group. A warm welcome to new Welsh speakers, of whatever level.

Thank you. I hope to join the group for some of the walks this Spring.

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Cerddwyr Cylch Teifi Walkers: Saturday 13th May 2023

Gwbert to Mwnt Walk

Leader: Howard Williams

We will leave the Jubilee car park (no charge) between Patch and Gwbert (SN 163 493; Post Code SA43 1PP) at 10:30.

The walk: A one-way walk, along the Coast Path to Mwnt where we will have placed cars to bring the walkers back to the starting point; 4 miles, three hours. Total ascents: 250 feet, mostly at the start along the quiet road towards Ferwig. No stiles; shop and toilets by the path in Mwnt.

Points of interest: An opportunity to walk part of the Ceredigion Coast Path which was closed for years after the rest of it opened; the reasons for that; local history, old and new (poetic connections, shipwreck, failure of one big idea, unexpected quarries); wonderful and varied scenery, special spring flowers that are absent from inland.

Afterwards: We can socialise locally, e.g. the Gwbert Hotel bar.

Cerddwyr Cylch Teifi Walkers

The Cerddwyr Cylch Teifi walks group will start our new season in October and everyone is welcome to join us. Welsh is the language of the walks but learners of all standards who are prepared not to turn conversations into English are welcome.

The monthly walks on Saturdays will start at 10.30am. and usually finish by 12:30 or 1.00. Sometimes we arrange a place to socialize after the walk for those who wish. The first two walks will be:

  • October 14th - in the Cardigan area with Terwyn Tomos
  • November 11th - in the Cilgerran area with Ali Evans

During the year, the programme will also include walks in the Pont-Tyweli, Llangrannog, Trewyddel, Cenarth, Pwll Gwaelod, Pen-parc and Boncath areas.

You are welcome to get in touch to put your name on the email list to get the details a month or a week in advance.

Contact Philippa Gibson philippa.gibson@gmail.com 01239 654561

The latest from Philippa and the Teifi Walking Group. All are welcome, but remember that the language of the walk is Welsh. It’s totally fine to go along if your Welsh is still rudimentary, but you’ll need to listen and refrain from conversing in English.

Dear Friends,

We look forward to seeing everyone again next Saturday.
The monthly walks on Saturdays start at 10.30am. and usually finish by 12:30 or 1.00. Sometimes we’ll arrange a place to socialise after the walk for those who wish.

Here are all the dates:

  • October 14 - Terwyn Tomos - Aberteifi Area
  • November 11 - Ali Evans - Cilgerran Area
  • December 9 - Lesley Parker - Pont-Tyweli Area
  • January 13 - Howard Williams - Pen-parc Area
  • February 10- Hedd Ladd Lewis - Boncath Area
  • March 9 - Gareth Wyn Jones - Llangrannog / Pontgarreg / Blaencelyn Area
  • April 13 - Geraint Volk - Moylegrove Area
  • May 11 - Dor Rawles - Cenarth Area
  • June 8 - Judith Wainwright - Dinas Cross Area

Each time, we ask the Walkers to be vigilant in order not to spread Covid, by not coming on a walk if you are self-isolating, or showing any symptom associated with the infection.

We won’t advertise every walk in the papurau bro and newspapers, as things can change at short notice. But I will send you the details of each walk by email a week in advance.

To receive the details of next week’s walk contact Philippa below.

Best wishes,
philippa.gibson@gmail.com 01239 654561


The next walk is this Saturday - 11 November, starting at 10:30. Meet in the street outside Ysgol Gynradd Cilgerran.

Contact Philippa Gibson above for all the information.

The latest on the walks for 2024:

We look forward to seeing everyone again next Saturday.
The monthly walks on Saturdays start at 10.30am. and usually finish by 12:30 or 1.00. Sometimes we’ll arrange a place to socialise after the walk for those who wish.

Here are all the dates:

  • October 14 - Terwyn Tomos - Aberteifi Area
  • November 11 - Ali Evans - Cilgerran Area
  • December 9 - Lesley Parker - Pont-Tyweli Area
  • January 13 - Howard Williams - Pen-parc Area
  • February 10- Hedd Ladd Lewis - Boncath Area
  • March 9 - Gareth Wyn Jones - Llangrannog / Pontgarreg / Blaencelyn Area
  • April 13 - Geraint Volk - Moylegrove Area
  • May 11 - Dor Rawles - Cenarth Area
  • June 8 - Judith Wainwright - Dinas Cross Area

Each time, we ask the Walkers to be vigilant in order not to spread Covid, by not coming on a walk if you are self-isolating, or showing any symptom associated with the infection.

We won’t advertise every walk in the papurau bro and newspapers, as things can change at short notice. But I will send you the details of each walk by email a week in advance.

Contact Philippa to receive information about the next walk and to be included on her mailing list:

philippa.gibson@gmail.com 01239 654561

Cerddwyr Cylch Teifi Walkers: 13th January 2024

Pen-parc and the Sand Pits

Leader: Howard Williams

We will leave the crossroads in the village where the small road from Pen-parc to Mwnt and Ferwig crosses Feidr Twyod at 10:30 (SN 209 482, SA43 1RH). There is no car park in the village but there is plenty of space on the side of the road on Feidr Tywod (rough map below).

The Walk: A two-hour circular walk of about three miles on firm pavements and footpaths, even after rain. We’ll go on the small road in the direction of Mwnt for a while before turning onto a track and then onto a footpath that leads to the top of the ridge above the sand pits; follow the ridge for about half a mile and then descend to the small quiet road that leads to Caemorgan Road and Cardigan; follow the road for a while to the vicinity of Maesymeillion farm and then go left on the path that circles the site of the ponds on the south side. Then, we will follow the road from the entrance to the sand pits towards the main road before following a footpath that reaches the main road opposite Bancywarren. Then back to the starting point on the pavements of the main road. Ascent: about 200 feet.

Points of interest: Pen-parc and its name; impressive views of the quarrying operations; the Mwldan River and the unique flowers of the area; Bancywarren, its geology, its military history and its legends.

Refreshments afterwards: Crwst Cafe in Cardigan (east end of Priory Street)

Cerddwyr Cylch Teifi Walkers: Saturday morning 8th June 2024

Dinas and Aberbach area

Leader: Judith Wainwright

We will leave Capel Tabor car park (now Caffi Croeso) in Dinas (SN 005 385, post code SA42 0XG) at 10:30. From the direction of Cardigan turn right opposite the bus shelter after passing the turning to Pwllgwaelod (look for the signs to the Cafe).

The Walk: A two-hour round trip, approximately 3 miles, on paths, tracks and small roads. We will follow the path from the car park down to Hescwm Mill and down again to Aberbach beach. After the beach we will follow the small road up to the path along Tre-wrach farm lane, then down, over the stream and up again to Gilwennen and then follow paths back past the baptism pool to reach our original route and return to the cafe.

Ascent: about 400 feet, most of it on the road up from the beach; 2-3 spots that can be muddy but not usually in June; two stiles.

Points of interest: the Chapel and its baptistery, the mill with its waterfall, Aberbach beach, views up to Mynydd Dinas and over the sea, and wild flowers in beautiful countryside. One feature is the nature of the land, which does not have much “improvement” and is consequently very still.

Refreshments afterwards : We’ll be able to relax over food afterwards in the Croeso Cafe at the car park.