Castellana ? (Castilian Spanish)

Pienso ellos dos personas son hablan esponol de sudamericana. Usan “usted” , no “tu” ; “Con usted” y no “Con tigo” Es la coursera va a cambiar o hacer extras cosas sobre espanol castellano?

De nada realamente; para mi es no importante. Las Cousera es muy bien pero un poco mas difficile !

Disculpe pero me computadore no tiene accentos !

I think the two people are speaking in South American Spanish, They use “usted” not “tu” and “con usted” instead of “con tigo” . Is the ocurse going to change or have extra things about Castilian Spanish ?

No problem really - for me it’s not important. The course is very good but a little difficult.

Sorry but my computer doesn’t have accents !

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As far as I know there is nothing inherently South American about the usage of “usted“ vs “ti“. Usted is simply the polite form, and it is used in Castillian as well.


Yes, Hendrik’s right on the money here - usted is formal, tu is informal… :slight_smile:

And well done - you’re clearly off to a very good start with the course!


Previous to this I did the OU course in Spanish. There they stated that “hated” is used solely in some South American countries and even children address each other this way. In Spain. It is used as a formal address, something we don’t really have in English.

I’m guessing that’s an autocorrect thing happening there…:wink:

A really odd statement, though, referring to ‘usted’ in Spain - maybe they were trying to say that it’s used in extra ways in South America?

I live in Spain and speak quite a lot of Spanish, having numerous Spanish friends (I avoid speaking English and Dutch at all costs). “Usted” is used commonly in castellano. Compare it to the use of “vous” as opposed to “tu” in French, or “u” as opposed to “je” or “jij” in Dutch (or “chi” and “ti” in Welsh, come to that). Other languages have similar distinctions for formal and informal “you” pronouns, possessives, etc.

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Hi @davee52uk if you are still doing the SSiS then in Level 2 you get to learn the tu conjugations.


Just in case anyone still looks at this thread, the confusion might be around the plural 2nd person forms. In Spain it is most common to hear the informal version “vosotros”, whereas in Latin America, this is either mostly unheard or used when pretending to be a Spaniard. In Latin America the “ustedes” form is used almost exclusively.

HOWEVER, in the South (yes, I’m looking at you Argentinia) the singular form tends to be more informal than elsewhere (using the “tu” or even the highly informal “vos” is quite common even with strangers).

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:smiley: :laughing:

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In Argentina, you won’t hear TU at all, unless you visit some of the northern provinces bordering with Bolivia or Paraguay. VOS is indeed the informal second person singular form, and USTED the formal one.