Cardiff~ any interest in an informal 'intermediate' group?

Haia pawb!

Not sure if this is the correct place to post as it’s not an existing group, so please remove if that’s the case! :slight_smile:

Would anyone in and around Cardiff be interested in meeting up to practise speaking Welsh in a very informal environment?

Fair warning, I’ve no experience in organising events or meet-ups, and I work full-time… And I’m also not confident in using my Welsh… But I’m trying to change that last bit!

I’m thinking just a café or pub perhaps. If like me you’ve found some of the existing groups locally a little intimidating (though well-intentioned) because you’re stuck about what to say in English, let alone Welsh, maybe you feel like me!

I can’t promise it’ll happen soon, but just wanted to put it out there as an idea to see if anyone else feels the same way.




Im intermediate in Cardiff and trying to get a group pof Welsh learners to meet at a new community garden in. cathays 11-1 on Wednesdays to learn Welsh words for plants etc if youre interested in that

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Hiya, that sounds great! I’ll send you a message :slight_smile:

@jrkickstart Just checking if you’re able to share more info about the project, or where I should look online for it, as I’m not sure my private message sent.

No pressure to reply though if not :+1:

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Hey! Yeah it is going to happen on Wednesdays at Cathays 11-1. Didn’t see message but if you email me at I can tell you more. Let me know if you fancy being a regular volunteer and we can meet this Weds to discuss? Either online or at the garden x

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I can send the poster and website then.

Will do!

I go to a friendly group 11 - 12.30 on Thursday mornings at The Pear Tree, on the corner of Wellfield Rd and Albany Rd. All abilities and confidence levels welcome, no pressure and plenty of sgwrs.

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Sounds really good, unfortunately I can’t make it as I’d be in work but I will bear it in mind for when I’m at a loose end on a day off! :slight_smile: