Can't get past Challenge 13

I have hit a complete wall.

Other Spanish learners- did/do you feel the same?

I had to split Challenge 13 up into two sessions and after about the 23-minute mark (whenever diga and dijera were introduced) I couldn’t complete any sentences before the first narrator and after about 27 minutes I could not answer any of the prompts at all.

I’m so confused and wondering if Spanish was too ambitious a goal.

Is this normal? I think I need to learn the tenses and conjugations (especially querer and decir) before I go any further.

I seem to recall Welsh had an infamous challenge 13. Perhaps it’s the same thing? Just keep on through to the next challenge and the rest won’t be so tough?

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Yes, I remember Welsh Challenge 13 all too well also! :rofl:

I’m just worried that if I carry on I’ll still not know the certain phrases.

Lately I’ve been pausing, checking my written notes and repeating the phrase.

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