Can I have lots of your money please?

Next month I’m swimming 5k for Sport Relief. A Great Cause!

For those of you from places not familiar with Sport Relief, this is what it says on my giving page.

“Hello, I’m challenging myself for Sport Relief 2016 to raise cash that will help to transform people’s lives across the UK and the world’s poorest communities. If you could sponsor me, I’d be really grateful as your generosity really will help to make a world of difference to people living unimaginably tough lives. From me, and on behalf of those you’ll help, thank you.”

Sport Relief, for those who may not know, is the other half of Comic Relief, and all their money goes to the same causes.

The most I’ve swum before is 2.5k, for Sport Relief 2 years ago and while I’m training fairly hard there is no way I’m going to be able to do 5k in the 3 hour slot available to me. There are 3 possible solutions to this. Get in early, leave late, or come back tomorrow to finish off.

My sponsor page is below and I would really appreciate any sponsorship you could give me

Ohh, I’m sorry you didn’t tell me this 2 years ago! I’m familiar with Sport Relief and Comic Relief since 2009 and I donate every year. We at Knight-Nui gaming forums and pages even created our own Comic releif page (I believe it was) in 2010 and gathered small amount of money online by ourselves. It was special moment for me not knowing about Red Nose Day before and I was excited to participate if even online and from “remote” country. So, from then on I always find a cause or donate directly to the general page. I’m glad this year you’ve just given me a cause/event I can donate to, and this is yours!

Good luck @margaretnock! I admire you for this as I admire each and everyone who participates. :slight_smile:

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I’ve had some money from you. Thank you very much. Can I have some more!

5k is quite a challenge for me. I can 60x25m lengths in an hour but after that I slow down a bit, so I don’t envisage getting it all done (all 200 x 25 metre lengths) in the 3 hours allocated to me. There are 4 possible solutions.

Get much better, very quickly. Stamina is my thing and not speed so I can’t see this happening.

Or ring the pool about a week before hand and ask for one of three solutions.

Get in the pool early. or leave late, or come back tomorrow to finish off. Looking at the times the pool (Pontardawe) is open, leaving late is not an option. But we shall see.

All sponsorship is gratefully received.


And some more money from someone else on the forum. Thank you very much.

I’m training hard, having been in the pool five times this last week, 280 minutes, probably about 250 lengths. I expect my arms are grateful for a couple of days off, but the plan is to be back in the pool on Monday.


@margaretnock Thinking of you and wishing you all the best… I’ll be cheering for you from “across the pond” on Saturday! :smile:

Pob lwc! :swimmer:

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Thank you @AnnaC and all my sponsors. I spoke to the event manager at the pool last week and have been given leave to start an hour early and, if necessary, stay in an extra hour at the end. My ever so long suffering husband will be my lap counter and friends are coming to encourage me. One more short swim today, and tomorrow’s the day!


Pob lwc i @margaretnock heddiw!

Now today is the day D. I hope everything goes as smoothly as it can possibly go.

Hwyl! :swimmer:

And … according to my clock - the race began!

[size=30]Pob Lwc @margaretnock![/size]


Swim is all over now. It took me 3 hours 50 minutes and my arms are exhausted! Thank you to everyone here who sponsored me, you have all made a difference. One was a stranger to me, someone else sponsored me twice!

Just to let you know that it isn’t so hard to be the fastest to do 5K in Pontardawe if you are the only person there doing the 5K!


Llongyfarchiadau, Margaret! Da iawn ti!

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