Can I have lots more of your money please?

In 2012, 2014 and 2016 I swam on behalf of Sport Relief by taking part in Swimathon. For an unknown reason the connection between Sport Relief and Swimathon no longer exists and this year money is being raised for Cancer Research UK and Marie Curie. Those near to me will know these causes are dear to me.

A number of you were very generous in sponsoring me back in 2016 and I raised something over £300. I’ll be swimming 5 kilometres again, again quite a bit of a challenge. I do stamina not speed. I’ve just started practicing again and have three months to get up to speed. If you were kind enough to sponsor me again I would be very grateful.


Bydda i’n dod fel yn 2016 … (I will come as in 2016). You can be sure of that.

Diolch yn fawr Tatjana. Thank you very much. Ti’n caredig iawn. You’re very kind.

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So I swam 5k yesterday, taking considerably longer this time than last time. Then it was 3 hours 50, this time it was 4 hours 30. For reasons I won’t bore you with practicing wasn’t as easy this time. I hit my target, with help from some of you lovely people, but there is still time for you to give some money to Cancer Research UK and Marie Curie, via

Diolch yn fawr pawb.


I can’t imagine swimming for four and a half hours. Well done! :star: :star2: :trophy: :tada:

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