There is a chat session in the library in Caernarfon in the back room on Fridays at at 2pm for an hour. The librarians run it and usually find a topic for us to chat about. Informal and friendly as is usual in Caernarfon.
It’s not on this week Friday 1st as it’s half term but it will be back next week.
Diolch Rohini. Do you have a mix of first language and new Welsh speakers at the library?
So far there are only 3 or 4 of us each session. The librarian is our Welsh speaker. And the rest of us are a mix of abilities.
That’s great - so just starting out.
Roll up roll up - the presence of a real life Welsh speaker for you to practise with and on is a huge boost to any group. I hope it all flies along. Is it in the newsletter yet @Deborah-SSi?
That’s great news! @Rohini if you’re happy to be the ‘SSiW Contact’ and just let me know if there are any changes, I can add it to the list of regular meetups at the end of the newsletter.
Yes of course. I’ll post if I have any advance warning myself.
Gwych! Diolch yn fawr!
Happy to join in with this occasionally Rohini, but I’d only be able to be present for about half an hour or so because of having to pick the kids up from school at 3.
That’s great if you can come.
I hope to come on Friday 8 November.
Having been brought up in |Wales, but having worked in England all my working life, I am backward in speech.
Dw i aelod o Gymdeithas Hynafiaethau Cymru ac y Gymdeithas Rheilffordd Eryri.
Pedr Jarvis
I’ll pop in tomorrow @Rohini! But will have to leave about 2.40ish to get the kids from Groeslon for 3pm.
Grêt. Diolch.
Arrrrrggggggg, stuck trying to complete a work thing and haven’t left the house yet! :-/
That’s such a shame. We had a few extra people today and Eleri who runs it grabbed her boss Rhian to join us. We also had a couple of less confident speakers and happily arranged a smaller breakaway group. Tro nesa gobeithio.
Os bydda’ yn rhydd, mi fydda’ i’n dod i lawr rhywbryd i ymuno efo chi i gyd.
If I’m free, I’ll come down sometime to join you all.
I can’t apologise enough for missing yesterday. It was a bit crazy here - school runs, going back and fourth to Bangor to drop Aran at the train station, dog walking, work, karate lessons and preparing for my parent’s 50th wedding anniversary party today. I thought I could just about squeeze everything in, but failed miserably. Promise to do a better job next time…
Hoping to make it this Friday (22 Nov) if all goes well
Not Eleri Lingo!