Cael structure questions

I’ve been working on some of the BBC Original Catchphrase episodes, and I was hoping someone could provide a little insight for me.

In episode 55, we went over the passive structure using cael:

  1. Fe ges i fy ngeni
  2. Fe ges i fy anafu

In episode 74, we covered a different structure using cael:

  1. Fe ges i ddamwain
  2. Fe ges i niwed (could also use the word anaf, I think?)

I understand the differences in literal translation between the two structures. In the first example for each, I would even say I feel confident that the structures are not interchangeable as I would use them.

My question is: what structure is more commonly used to express concepts such as in the second example: “I was injured/I had an injury” or “I was shocked/I had a shock”?

In American English, I think we are more likely to say “I was shocked” than we are “I had a shock,” although both are understandable and useable.

Diolch yn fawr,


I think it’s situational. For instance, I think I’d say **Ges i syndod mawr ddoe, pan ges i fy synnu gan fy ffrind o Awstalia. Ar ei ffordd i Gymru, (fe gaeth / caeth / cafodd / fe gafodd e) ei anafu mewn damwain, a chaeth ei gar niwed difrifol."

Thanks Diane. Your second sentence is along the lines of what I would use to convey those events. I think I was overthinking it because I have a hard time separating these two concepts in my mind due to the cael. :slight_smile: