I would be up for that - it suddenly seems like a long wait for the parti degfed!
Diolch pawb, I had a great time. And of course to Iestyn and Cat for all the behind the scenes work, food provision, etc.
I haven’t laughed so much since the last bwtcamp. And singing, swimming, walking, siarad cymraeg, pretty much all my favourite things crammed into one weekend. And my daughter is impressed that I can now do the floss!
Great idea.
James and I had a chat about starting a Bimonthly or monthly cylch-symudol for want of a better name. Similar to cloncydigion but taking turns in Cardiff, Newport and Barry sharing lifts when possible and maybe excursions to meet other theraputans in say the north or Coventry, London whereever.
I like the idea of being a theraputan cloncodigion - count me in!
It was an excellent weekend all round. I particularly liked iestyn’s demonstrations on Highway Code in Action.
Similar weekends along the same lines would be great. For self organised weekends perhaps a Saesneg jar that pays for the last night’s beers, or maybe a Iestyn mask!
Yep, lovely to meet you all! Despite feeling a little ‘off’ for much of the weekend, it was still fun. The conversations, whilst a little tricky to follow at times (at least for me), all help in becoming more fluent. I was quite impressed by the standard of the welsh spoken by all of you!