Bŵtcamp Helpers

Would you be interested in helping to run a Bŵtcamp?

We’re looking at various options for running the bŵtcamps and one is with the assistance of someone who has been to Bŵtcamp before and knows how they run.

So -

Have you been to at least one Bŵtcamp before?
Are you confident that you can spend the week speaking nothing but Welsh?
Are you a person who is reasonably organised and likes to help others?

If that sounds like you, we’d like to hear from you. We have a proposal to put to you, but we’d need a few of you for it to work, so if you’re interested get in touch with @Deborah-SSi, @nia.llywelyn or @beca-brown


Gwych! I’d be delighted to be a bwtcamp-helper especially since I have raised the question on the forum.
My Cardi Welsh is, at best, conversational - but that has never stopped me up to now. :grin:
I’d also be happy to help with any of the planning or administration you think I could handle, especially at the Tresaith end. (BTW is Heledd still running the Tresaith canolfan and accommodation?)
Most of all, I"d love to sttend the bootcamps as a helper. Would I get to wear a badge? :laughing:
Diolch yn fawr am y cyfle


Love to help but not sure I am good enough for you.


Sounds like an amazing opportunity :heart:


Wow, was this your idea? Impressive.
I haven’t been on the forum now for several years; I did the original 3 courses about 10 years ago. Did 2 bootcamps - the second was 12 people, 6 new learners each assigned to a mentor. I mentored one chap who progressed amazingly!
Some of the happiest memories of my life have been on a bootcamp.
Although I did the southern course with Iestyn, both my bootcamps were in the North with Aran. I owe everything to the Jones’ and Ap Daffydd’s for my ability to speak Welsh. They are special people.


No. This initiative comes from @Deborah-SSi, @nia.llywelyn and @beca-brown, but I am delighted to see it.


Diolch yn fawr iawn to all who have replied so far. We’ll send an email out to you all early next week with the ideas we have so far, so you can see what you think and make any suggestions,

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I’m interested! Have messaged you.


Dw i’n meddwl bod dw i’n gallu helpu chi, os chi’n dal angen pobl!

Shwmae @ciara-2 ! Nei di hala neges at nia@saysomethingin.com plîs. Mae hi’n trefnu’r sesiwn cyntaf ar gyfer helpwyr.

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:black_flag:󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿. One place has become available on this weekend’s ‘Bwtcamp helpers’.
You’ll be staying in the luxury accomodation of Lampeter University
Please e-mail me , nia@saysomethingin.com
We have a fun packed weekend for you :partying_face:


Haia Nia, wnes i yrru neges atat ti x


Ydw i 'di colli rhywbeth ma? Ydych chi 'di penderfynu peidio ddefnyddio’r ‘bootcamp helpers’ eleni? Sai wedi clywed dim byd wrthoch chi. Ges i sioc o weld y cyhoeddiad am y bwtcamps eleni, heb glywed dim byd. Byddai wedi bod yn gwrtais gweud wrth y gwirfoddolwyr be sy’n digwydd cyn gwneud y peth yn cyhoeddus, a bod nag oedd ein angen bellach. :man_shrugging:

Haia Vaughan,
Sori, dyn ni wedi bod yn awyddus iawn i drefnu’r bŵtcamps gyda llawer o bobl yn gofyn amdanyn nhw, ond oedd rhaid i ni gael caniatád o’r Bwrdd SSi a naeth hynny gymryd amser felly dyn ni wedi bod o dan bach o bwysau. Dyna’r wythnosau naeth Marcus gynnig i ni, ond dim syniad 'da ni eto os bydd digon o bobl i gynnal unrhyw bŵtcamp o gwbl.

OS bydd y bŵtcamp mis Ebrill yn llwyddiannus, dyn ni’n mynd i gynnig y cyfle i helpwyr gymryd rhan ym mis Mehefin neu mis Medi (neu falle mis Awst os gewn ni ganiatâd am hynny), ond rhaid i ni brofi i’r Bwrdd bod ni’n gallu rhedeg bŵtcamp heb wneud colled yn gyntaf. Felly, bydda i yno ym mis Ebrill i drefnu’r pethau ariannol i gyd a gadael i Nia drefnu’r gweithgareddau.

Wedyn, bydd yn bosib i fi sgwennu dogfen sy’n dangos yn union beth fydd rhaid i’r helpwr gymryd cyfrifoldeb drosto - a bydd rhaid i fi gael caniatâd o’n Swyddog Ariannol bod y person 'na’n gallu delio gyda’r arian o ran SSi. Mae bach yn fwy gymhleth nag o’n ni’n meddwl yn y lle cyntaf.

Nes i’r cyhoeddiad ddoe i’w gael e yn y cylchlythyr heddiw achos bod ni’n becso tipyn bach am mis Ebrill, ond oedd fy mwriad sgwenni i bawb naeth gwirfoddoli helpu heddiw i esbonio’r sefyllfa - felly, ti yw’r un cyntaf, ac nawr na i hala’r un wybodaeth i’r gweddill.

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