
Hi, I’ve been chatting with Bethan Dobson this afternoon and she works for the local online magazines Bro.360.Cymru. She’s looking for learners in Cymru to contribute to the magazines who live in the following 5 areas -
Bangor and Felinheli
Dyffryn Nantlle
She reassured that they don’t expect anything too complex and it would be a matter of responding to some questions such as where do you live, how long have you been learning etc
She’d be happy for anyone interested to contact her at this email address:

Could this possibly go in the newsletter or on the website please @CatrinLliarJones
Diolch yn fawr iawn :blush:

"Apologies to all who’ve requested to have news and announcements put in the weekly email, because our email system is still down unfortunately.

We’re working as hard as we can to get it up and running again, and as soon as it is we’ll let you know.

Diolch to you all for your patience."


Dim problem Catrin. You do so much for SSIW and us learners. Diolch o galon. :blush:
I’ve been spreading the word about the above via some contacts in those areas too. :grin:

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