SaySomethinginWelsh has some brand new badges, especially designed so that members of our community are able to recognise each other and connect at large events such as the National Eisteddfod Genedlaethol!
Wear one on your bag or wear one on your jacket! Let’s see if we can fill the Eisteddfod maes with SSiW badges!!! 
We have a badge for those currently learning with us:
And a badge for those who have completed the SSiW course:
Order yours today in time for the Eisteddfod!
The great news is, if you order before the end of the day today, you get them at a discounted price!!!
Love it!! What a great idea!
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Too late for me, i have already been to the Llangollen Eisteddfod. You can see it on S4C
Love them both, but I’ll still stick to the long ago bought old one … 
Just an idea: Why not makind the T-shirt with the same saying? I’ve had to re-model the standard one for this purpose a long while ago. Those who saw me on Eisteddfod that legendary year of 2016 will know … (on my profile picture is also the one).
Oh, and those badges could be much more than just for SSiW Eisteddfod goers so don’t put them off the store once the event finishes.
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Have you seen the price of yhe shipping? Daylight robbery !!
The postage is high (almost) everywhere, unfortunately. However SSi has nothing to do with that. It’s determined by Zazzle, where the SSi shop is hosted.
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Hiya, yes I know it’s exhorbitant for everything and it has certainly stopped me from purchasing a badge. No doubt they will be on sale at the Eisteddfod. My comment wasn’t an attempted dig at SSiW.