Brand new Côr Cymraeg in Caerffili

I was going to put this in the Events in Caerffili 2025 thread, but it’s such good news it deserves a thread of its own!

There is a brand new Welsh Choir - Côr Cymraeg - in Caerffili and they’re looking for members to join them! Singing in Welsh is a fantastic way to improve your pronunciation, expand your vocabulary, and meet more Welsh speakers and learners in your area, so if you live within hailing distance of Caerffili, why not give it a try?


Eisiau ymuno a chôr Cymraeg newydd sbon? Ymunwch a ni am ddim bob yn ail nos Fercher yng Nghanolfan y Glowyr Caerffili! Creu ffrindiau newydd, joiwch paned a bisgedi wrth ganu a dysgu caneuon newydd.
E-bostiwch, neu hala neges i ni trwy facebook neu instragram am fwy o wybodaeth. 🎶🎵

Fancy joining a brand new Welsh Language Choir? Join us every other Wednesday night in Caerphilly Miners Centre! Make new friends, enjoy a cuppa and a biscuit while singing and learning new songs!
Email, or send us a message on facebook or instagram for more information. 🎶🎵