Bradford Welsh Conversation Clwb Clebran

The next meeting of the Clwb Clebran, Bradford’s Welsh conversation club, will be on Wednesday 4th December 2019 between 7.00 and 9.15 p.m. in the 1st floor bar of The Bradford Club, 1 Piece Hall Yard (off Hustlergate, opposite Waterstones), Bradford BD1 1PJ. An opportunity to practise what you are learning with Saysomethingin, plus exchange news, stories, information, games, magazines, books, CDs etc.
Normally we meet on the 2nd Wednesday evening each month. This month we are meeting on the 1st Wednesday. This is not a Saysomethingin meetup. We try to speak in nothing but Welsh, so be prepared for a mini-bootcamp! Eileen Walker


Prynhawd da!

Just a quick note to let all SSiW meet-up group organisers and coordinators, know that I have taken responsibility for the weekly email over from Deborah. So if you have any updated information about the group you’re responsible for, please let me know and I’ll ensure the correct info goes in the email. Diolch! :slight_smile:

Diolch yn fawr am eich e-bost, Catrin. Looking forward to receiving your e-mails to keep me in touch with SSiW. Cofion gorau,
Eileen Walker

Hi Eileen!

Is the Bradford group still going and are you the main organiser? If so could you let me know how often you meet and if the time and location is the same as above? Diolch yn fawr iawn! :slight_smile: